Paper Submission Guidelines 1. Page size of an article should not exceed 15 in any case. Desired page size is 10 - 12. 2. All references, figures, and tables should be numbered in sequence starting from 1 and MUST be duly cited / referred within the text. 3. The figures / graphs / plots in the manuscript MUST be of good resolution (600 dpi or more), tables MUST NOT be in pictorial format. Text in figures should not be too small, and preferably of equal size as text of the article. 4. APA style reference to be used. 5. Single Column Page Format to be followed. 6. Any article, not in format, will be subjected to rejection without any judgment on its quality. |
Paper Submission after Acceptance Guidelines 1. Please Note that after Acceptance Notification you cannot widthdraw your paper from AIAIA 2024. 2. Paying Registration Fee: Calculate the registration fee according to your type of authorship (Academia includes Professor / Faculty / Research Scholars / PG Student; Indian Author (Industry); Author from Outside India) and make payment using the details of Payment available at Registration Page of the website. 3. Do not forget to send the following documents as final submission on: a. Scanned copy of the online payment receipt. b. The Camera ready Article files, only in prescribed MS Word format / Latex Format. c. Scanned copy of filled in Registration Form. d. Scanned copy of filled in Copyright Form. e. Proof of studentship (if applicable). f. The mail must bear the subject line as: Registration of article AIAIA-2024-PaperID. Please Note that after Acceptance Notification you cannot widthdraw your paper from AIAIA 2024. |
Journal of Telecommunication, Switching Systems and Networks, ISSN 2454-6372
Journal of Polymer & Composites, ISSN 2321–2810, WoS (Web of Science) Indexed
All submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by three competent reviewers. The peer-reviewed conference selected papers will be recommended and submitted for inclusion to the SPECIAL ISSUES OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS (Scopus, SCI, SCI-E, ESCI, UGC approved) for possible publication after the completion of the conference, provided that the authors give their consent for the same.
There may be publication cost involved in such cases.
All the Journal Special Issues are not open ended and only the extended paper as mentioned above will be entertained in the special issue.
Special Issue on Advances in Intelligent Applications and Innovative Approachs, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, A NASA Journal, SCOPUS INDEXED, Springer Nature
Advanced Intelligence Systems and Innovation in Entrepreneurship, IGI Global (SCOPUS INDEXED)
Special Issue on Sustainable Development in Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (SDASET 2023),
Journal of Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology, SCOPUS INDEXED, United Scientific Group, Pilano, Texas, US
Edited Book on Deep Learning Approaches in Operations Research
Advances in Intelligent Applications and Innovative Approach (AIAIA 2022), AIP Conference Proceedings (SCOPUS INDEXED)
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, A NASA Journal, SCOPUS INDEXED, Springer Nature
Futuristic Technology Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation, IGI Global
Software Engineering Approaches to Enable Digital Transformation Technologies, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis